
Since 1971, Gemini Security has had experience in installation, maintenance and monitoring fire and burglar alarm systems for our residential, commercial and industrial customers. To help protect your home and business, we have Closed Circuit TV Systems.

We provide sales and service on new and old systems. Burglary and fire is something you should take as seriously as we do. Safety at home or work is often taken for granted. A fire can destroy your most valuable possessions, a burglar can take them. A fire can take your life and so can a burglar. We can help you identify your security and fire protection needs, and design a system to provide ample coverage.

Gemini puts you in control of selecting the types of services you want today and flexibility to change at a later time. This option even allows you to turn your TV and any mobile device, such as tablets, iPhones, iPad or smart phones into an integral part of your home security network. For instance, you could add a front door security camera to see who’s at the front door from any TV or mobile device in  or away from your home.  You can control the lights on or off, close the garage door if you forget, and remotely view rooms in your home where cameras are present and much, much more.

  • Enhance video module
  • Front door camera
  • 2-way amplifier for sharp,clear pictures and video distribution
  • High-performance cabling for digital satellite and high-definition TV
  • Connections for Internet TV,DSS satellite, cable TV, or local antenna

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Cameras and Surveillance:

Surveillance and Monitering

Exterior and Interior Cameras